Great talent is not equal to success

Posted on Categories: Education, Goal Setting, Inspiration, Learning and Memory, Learning Strategies, Mental Practice, Passion, Performance Skills, Personal Development, Practice techniques, Singing teacher, Slider, Talent Development

No, it is a growth mindset and sheer grit. And science concurs. Whilst I haven’t got my own stats on this, I can certainly vouch for these predictors antidotally. When I look at the success of my students and clients over the years I’ve taught, whether related to developing their voices, overcoming poor singing habits, gaining […]

10 tips to help you remember song lyri​cs

Posted on Categories: Learning and Memory, Learning Strategies, Mental Practice, Performance Skills, Practice techniques, Singing

A commonly recurring nightmare for many singers is one where they forget the song lyrics midway through. I know I’ve certainly woken up in a cold sweat after having that kind of a dream and just before an important gig. The whole essence of learning lines is to forget them so you can make them sound […]