Many performers are amazing at their craft but lack the confidence, understanding and skills to build a successful career. The Performer’s Edge is a holistic, tailor-made programme designed for performers who have decided to take ownership of their career and are ready to succeed.We start with a 360º audit, which covers the five key elements of mindset, health, technique, development, and identity.

The audit looks into your strengths, weaknesses, what you want to retain, to build or erase. Then you will learn to develop, understand and apply the principals related to each key element. All crucial to a performer’s career success and longevity.

Together we will develop a plan of action, explore effective strategies and tools to help you set, measure and achieve your goals. During this part of the programme we will eliminate any mindset obstacles, improve practice, technical and performance strategies, build your brand identity and increase over all resilience. I will be your accountability buddy to ensure you stay motivated and on track.

To be totally transparent I cannot make you famous, nor can I guarantee your success. What I can guarantee is that this programme will help you to understand where you are now, exactly where you want to go, how you will get there and who you want to support you along the way. We all know that an element of success in this industry is luck. The thing is if you’re not prepared then that lucky moment will be wasted. This programme is here to help you prepare.

You need passion to drive and motivate you through the hard times, a plan so you know what direction you are going in and when you get there, and then to do the work because, my friend, no-one else is gonna do it for you! Even when you’re a high-level artist or performer you will still need to continue working on your skills and art.
This is what happens if you do not have all three ingredients:
Passion + Work but no Plan this results in No direction
I can’t count the number of times I speak to performers who have an incredible passion for what they are doing and work very hard. The common downfall is a lack of specific goals and plans on how to achieve their dreams, it’s like pedalling furiously on your bike without a chain.
Work + Plan but no Passion this results in No motivation
You may be hardworking and goals can change or evolve over time, but if the passion isn’t there you won’t be able to push through the hard times, and trust me there are plenty of those. You either have to rekindle your passion by identifying what’s plugging that hole or maybe it’s time to find a new direction. It’s like sitting on a beautiful yacht with your destination in sight but no wind to push you there.
Plan + Passion but no Work this results in No results
Some people are passionate about their art and have lots of plans on how to achieve their goals, the only thing is they don’t actually put in the work required. So up the proverbial creek without a paddle!
After working with thousands of performers, of all levels, I have identified the 5 key elements that impact career success and staying power, these are Mindset, Health, Technique, Development, and Identity.

This area is all about your mental health and resilience, beliefs and outlook. Without your mindset onboard nothing will be done, changed or achieved

Nutrition, sleep, and exercise are key to our health and wellbeing. Understanding how to optimise your health will ensure you minimise loss of performance time.

Raw talent will only get you so far. By preparing your voice, body, and mind for performance you can ensure you and your audience have a fantastic experience.

The secret to practice is not in the length of time, but in the how. Good practice strategies will help you build your neural myelin and motor skills so you can create freely!

You will need to find your purpose and values as an artist and performer. Then to create synergy and continuity between your stage persona, writing and public identity.

I pull on a diverse set of tools, training and qualifications to help my clients find the confidence and tools to explore their potential. Using the following process we dig deep, explore wide and drive through the blocks.

This is to establish where you are now, and where you want to go. There will be a comprehensive audit of the 5 key areas including vocal/physical health, resilience, career, technique and performance to ascertain areas of strength and areas that require development.

Once the triage is complete I will design a tailor-made plan of action for all 5 key areas. We will incorporate your priorities and timelines taking into account your overall goals and current commitments.

The bulk of our time will be spent in the work phase. We will address limiting beliefs standing in the way of your goals, look into technical issues, optimise your vocal and general health, build resilience, explore your artist identity, engage Deliberate Practice, improve performance, and liaise with other support personnel as required.

This is a check in to see you are making progress towards your goals and make adjustments as necessary.

So we’ve done the groundwork it is time to take it on the road. You will have access to me outside regular coaching sessions and beyond the course for support, advice and motivation.